
Sunday 19 March 2017

F45: The fastest growing franchise you've never heard of

Posted to The Age (18/3/2017) on 19/3/2017 at 2:30PM
Commenting on "F45: The fastest growing franchise you've never heard of"

No wonder so many people have problems with their budgets - financial and time. Only if people eat less, the chances of burning the extra kilojoules on an exercise equipment will be minimal. Eating and "exercising" cost money, and it does make no economic sense to waste good food and good money.

Going to either F45 or a gym requires time. So stop complaining if people with poor time management wish they have more hours in a day. To travel to those places requires getting into a car, spending more money on fuel and maintenance. In addition, if one has to travel behind another car, the driver will have more chances breathing in car pollutant discharge. That also increases the chances of visiting your GP. The wallet is getting lighter and lighter, don't you see?

On the serious note, just eat less and do some leisure walking, enjoying the beauty of nature instead of watching the LED screen, and listening to the "deafening" music through the earphone.

It is simple arithmetic, less kilojoules eaten, less chances to build up the excess bulges, and less effort needed to burn off the excess. Live wisely!