
Thursday, 27 October 2011

Scientists shed new light on sleepless nights and groggy mornings

Posted to Herald Sun (27/10/2011) on 27/10/2011 at 1:19 AM
Commenting on "Scientists shed new light on sleepless nights and groggy mornings"

It sounds totally illogical that any light emitted from Cecylia Kee's iPad under her pillow could disturb her sleep because it would be completely absorbed and blocked by the pillow.

There is no surprise too that she started to get bags under her eyes because of she "often uses it to read in bed or check emails." She could be reading it or checking emails throughout the night, or sleep reading?

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Simple steps to lasting weight loss - 2

Posted to The Australian Women’s Weekly (17/10/2011) on 22/10/2011 at 5:26 PM
Commenting on "Simple steps to lasting weight loss"

Thank you for visiting my blog. I could not provide the proper blog address because of restriction imposed by this Comment system. I shall be posting my blog, My Weight Reduction Program - 3, on the secret key success factor by 30-10-2011, and leave it on until mid-night 31-10-2011.

Our mind has great influence over what we eat and how much we eat. We need to trick our brain that we are neither eating less than usual, nor less satisfying foods. Satisfying our brain is the psychological need. How much we eat determines how much is available for our body building and functioning. This is the physiological need. The reason why eating less alone does not guarantee reduction, is due to our mind resisting the dieting program.

Disclaimer - I am neither a medical professional nor a dietician. I am sharing this information in good faith. If in doubt, discuss this with your doctor.

Simple steps to lasting weight loss - 1

Posted to The Australian Women’s Weekly (17/10/2011) on 22/10/2011 at 5:09 AM
Commenting on “Simple steps to lasting weight loss”

Read my blog about My weight reduction program - Part 1 and Part 2 via

This program involves only eating less. There is no loss of quality of life, but instead it helps save on food bill and gym membership fee. There are 4 simple rules -

1. If you are 10% overweight, just eat 10% less. Use your BMI as the guide.
2. There is no need for extra exercises other than what you are doing now.
3. On special occasion, just pig-out, and don't worry about the program.
4. You put on weight slowly, then expect put off weight slowly.

There is one secret key success factor - you need to satisfy both the psychological need and physiological need when consuming your food. How can this be done? That depends on whether you have the desire to find out more.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Deaf groups angry at comment by disabled children's educator

Posted to The Age (14/10/2011) on 14/10/2011 at 10:49 AM
Commenting on "Deaf groups angry at comment by disabled children's educator"

The reason why such a storm has been created is likely due to incorrect translation of the word scourge in sign language. If deafness can be cured or eradicated like polio, sign language instructors will be out of a job; hearing aid and related product industries collapsed. Get a life, can't you hear!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Vitamins do more harm than good

Posted to Adelaide Now (12/10/2011) on 12/10/2011 at 1:29 AM, 1:43 PM
Commenting on “Vitamins do more harm than good”

The best thing about living in a free country is that one is free to be gullible and waste money on supplements, quacks, shrinks, dingbats, etc. Pill popping is easier than going to shop for ingredients required for the laborious cooking; not to mention washing up. Even picking up the phone to ring for take away food and going to the restaurants are chores and a half!

Monday, 10 October 2011

3000 vitamins in five months: what does that do?

Posted to The Age (10/10/2011) on 10/10/2011 at 5:50 PM
Commenting on “3000 vitamins in five months: what does that do?”

These are the foods I take instead of popping vitamin or supplement pills: carrot, red pepper, broccoli, asparagus, cantaloupe, watermelon – vitamin A; green pea, sunflower seed – vitamin B1; mushroom, salmon, cow milk, soybean milk – vitamin B2/B3; spinach, banana, roast chicken breast – vitamin B6; orange, real lemon juice – vitamin C; salmon, prawn, cow milk – vitamin D; almond, olive, spinach – vitamin E; beef, offal, apple, egg plant, chocolate, curry – iron; soup boiled with bone, soft prawn shell, cow milk – calcium; pumpkin seeds, melon seeds – zinc; walnut, tofu, salmon belly - Omega 3. Foods taste better than pills.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Older mums are selfish and self-centred

Posted to Adelaide Now (4/10/2011) to 4/10/2011 at 1:39 PM
Commenting on “Older mums are 'selfish and self-centred'”

Many middle-age and younger people today have too much expectation and insufficient sacrifice. They started off with expensive wedding celebration, honeymoon follow by carefree life-style - dining out, expensive alcohol, merry-making parties, more than budget-permit rental apartments, branded goods, multiple home-entertaining systems, etc. They want a career, new car, credit card, holidays and new home! They spoilt their health, not because of genetic reason, but due to their indifferent attitude towards what real life is about.

Life is about sharing and compromise. Me-ism preachers have been giving the wrong messages, and forgetting the duty and responsibility as humans on this planet are not just to live for themselves but also leave behind offspring to ensure a continual existence of human race - healthy humans to be precise.

How are the kids with older parents going to tell their friends - parents or grandparents? Will this damage their mental development? Generation gap, I argue very often is created by older generation. Another 10 or more years’ gap can mean greater difficulty in relating to them and guide them. There are always exceptions to the rules – good luck!